• About Me!

    Founded by Michelle, a (STINGY) clinical sleep health nurse who, upon picking up golf in mid-2024, realised that ladies golf apparel are very lacking, as compared to golf apparel for men. More importantly, she discovered that most golf apparel and golf-related accessories are grossly overpriced (by her miserly standards)... and no, it was not always because they were of a better quality. 

  • Our Purpose

    GoliGolf by MichT aims to provide golfers with specially curated alternatives, which are of premium quality, and yet not too painful on the pockets.

  • Why "GoliGolf"?

    Just as "goli" or glass marbles were a staple for kids in Michelle's era, golf is the staple for these now grown-up "kids". "Goli" also sounds similar to 鼓励 which means "encourage" or "encouragement" in Chinese. In Michelle's lowest/ darkest moments in 2024, going to the driving range was what kept her going, and the only way she could preserve her sanity (there was an IG post on this)...

  • Michelle's Golf Sucks

    Michelle has not obtained her PC / handicap so do not jio her for a game in Singapore. She will only thick-skinnedly do the 9-hole course in Phnom Penh on her monthly trip. Why? Because no one knows her and she can embarrass herself all she wants (click on link to watch her funny moments)...

    Follow Me For A Good Laugh